Laboratory balances

Thank you for showing an interest in our vast product range of laboratory balances. Here you will find information and support with regard to the following product groups:

  • UYA ultra-microbalances
  • MYA microbalances
  • XA and AS analytical balances
  • PS, WLC, WTC precision balances

RADWAG, apart from the top quality laboratory balances, offers numerous pre-order and post-order services making the purchase more comfortable. At the same time we guarantee that your product will be a perfect match, not only suiting your individual needs, but also adhering to valid GLP recommendations and standards obligatory for modern laboratories.

For more detailed information about our laboratory product range, use the menu on the left.

Should you require more specific information, please click „Ask question” entry. We will make any effort to answer your question as soon as possible.

Technical support and consulting prior to purchase

We are aware of the fact that it is quite difficult to decide which product suits particular company needs the most, and to know which device integrates with the equipment and software the given company already owns.

To make the product selection less problematic we offer the following services:

  • Analysis and verification of customer-provided information regarding the weighing processes, in order to advice selection of the right product.
  • Analysis of the working environment in order to specify potential disturbing factors that may negatively influence device operation.
  • Verification with regard to compliance with regulations and standards obligatory for a given device.
  • Preparing a commercial offer including alternative solutions and accessories manufactured by RADWAG.

All of the above listed services are free of charge. In order to arrange a meeting with the technician please click the banner below and contact a selected RADWAG office.

Professional device installation and start-up

Purchase is just the first step. The next one is professional calibration and adjustment of the device to the working environment. Respective filters must be used and right operation modes set in order to guarantee trouble-free measurement.

Customers who decide to purchase technical support pack receive:

  • safe balance unpacking, assembly and levelling at the workstation,
  • correct filter setting enabling to obtain the expected accuracy or operation speed,
  • configuration of selected working modes, database preparation and connection with peripheral devices of RADWAG product range,
  • basic training in device operation and maintenance.

In order to receive a price quote covering the above operation scope, please contact a selected RADWAG office.

Staff training

Well-informed and well-prepared personnel knowing how to operate the equipment is a guarantee of better results, and it ensures compliance of the measurement processes with valid regulations and GLP guidelines.

Our experienced experts provide knowledge within the following scope:

  • right balance preparation for work,
  • design of procedures ensuring right weighing quality and accuracy,
  • basic procedures and actions regarding periodic balance maintenance and inspection,
  • safety procedures, device access protection, ALIBI memory readout,
  • preparation of the device, documentation and processes for audits and other controls with regard to metrology.

In order to receive a price quote covering the above operation scope, please contact a selected RADWAG office.

Equipment qualification: IQ, OQ, PQ

In accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice, it is necessary to prove that the manufacturing process, for performance of which particular materials and equipment are used, is repeatable and results with a product of expected quality. Recommended and effective method for compliance with the repeatability requirement is validation of the used equipment.

RADWAG services include preparation of documentation and support of RADWAG representative during particular process stages:

  • Installation Qualification (IQ): documented test and confirmation stating that installed or upgraded weighing instruments or installations are compliant with accepted design, manufacturer recommendations or user requirements.
  • Operational Qualification (OQ): documented test and confirmation stating that installed or upgraded weighing instruments or installations operate correctly as intended for all anticipated conditions.
  • Process Qualification (PQ): documented test and confirmation stating that the weighing instruments and supplementary installations, combined into one functional system, are able to work effectively and in a repeatable manner in accordance with accepted specification process method.

In order to receive a price quote covering the above operation scope, please contact a selected RADWAG office.

Preparation of weighing processes and procedures

Along with increase of user awareness with regard to the necessity to ensure traceability and compliance with the GLP procedures, the market started to demand services consisting in preparation of obligatory process and procedure documentation, which procedures and processes are to be a daily routine of weighing equipment operators.

In response to such a demand, RADWAG has prepared an offer for complex services regarding the measuring instruments supervision, which among many include:

  • design and implementation of weighing equipment logs,
  • design and supervision over the schedule of calibrations and periodical inspections of the weighing equipment (traceability),
  • internal audits regarding weighing equipment supervision.

In order to receive a price quote covering the above operation scope, please contact a selected RADWAG office.

Calibration and metrological supervision

In 1997 RADWAG Wagi Elektroniczne expanded its activity, and started to operate in the field of measurement services. The growing demand for both calibration and measurement services brought about the necessity to set up an independent, specialised body providing the customers with professional assistance. As a result, in 2003, the Measuring Laboratory emerged from the organisational structure of the company. The laboratory aimed to offer high quality calibration and measurement services.

In 2004 the Measuring Laboratory was given accreditation by the Polish Centre for Accreditation with which it could calibrate electronic weighing instruments, mass standards and weights (AP 069 Certificate).

In 2009 the laboratory, as the first organisation in Poland, obtained accreditation for calibration of piston pipettes.

Presently, we calibrate balances, mass standards (colloquially called weights) and piston pipettes.

In order to see the complete service scope visit the Metrology Centre website. n order to receive a price quote covering the above operation scope, please contact either the Measuring Laboratory or a selected RADWAG office.

F.A.Q. – frequently asked questions concerning LAB product range

In the world of engineering science there are two standards of passing the information on, the first one called „Look how smart I am and how vast my knowledge is”, and the second, preferred by us, “Look how simple it is”. We will make any effort to provide you with clear answers written in comprehensible language rather that technical jargon.

1. What the readability is?

By definition it is a value, expressed in units of mass, of the difference between the values corresponding to two consecutive scale marks, for analogue indication, or the difference between two consecutive indicated values, for digital indication. Colloquially speaking it is simply a value by which the indication on a display changes. In case of a balance with the readability of 1 kg, upon loading of the weighing pan with 1 kg mass, 1 kg value is displayed on the screen, and after adding another 1 kg load, the displayed digit is 2, and so on.

2. How to distinguish an analytical balance from a precision balance?

As for balance categorization, it is the readability that determines whether a given device is an analytical or a precision weighing instrument. Devices with the readability ranging between 0.1 mg – 0.01 mg are classified as analytical balances. In case of instruments classified as precision balances the readability range is 10 mg – 1 mg. Apart from the above, the laboratory balances product group includes also microbalances which weigh loads with the readability of 1 µg, and ultra-microbalances that are the most precise laboratory equipment offering measurement with 0.1 µg readability.

3. Why is it impossible to buy a highly precise balance of high capacity?

RADWAG offers devices with a weighing range of up to 60 kg that measure weight with 0.1 g readability, which is a great result. When speaking of industry solutions, we manufacture platforms of high resolution, the HRP platforms. They provide measurement of 20 g readability at the capacity of 2 tonnes. So far these are critical values exceeding of which requires use of technology that is not popular enough to become acceptably commercial. Along with the development of technology it will be possible to construct such a product, and RADWAG will do it. For now, it is commonly believed that weighing can be either fast or precise, and it is also believed that you must decide whether to measure weight precisely or whether to measure weight of a heavy load (high maximum capacity of the instrument).